Monthly Archives: April 2013

We Are Going to Guatemala!


Hi There!

If you go to Netcast Church, you probably know by now that a group of 18 partners are going to Guatemala this summer! If you don’t, and you live in the Greater Boston area, you have to check it out! (

We are very excited about this awesome opportunity to go share Jesus, hope, love and begin a long term partnership down there. We are going to be working with Ministerios Libre Infancia, a non-profit organization dedicated to give a better today to the children that live around the garbage dump in Guatemala City.

The 6,500 children that live in that area either stay home alone all day, locked inside of a very tiny home, while their parents look through the trash for things to eat, sell or wear, or they work along side their parents. There are several organizations that help groups of children, but we chose to work with Ministerios Libre Infancia, because eventhough they have been around for 21 years, they still haven “made it”.

Pastor Otto did a project while in college, and could not get the children, and the conditions they are raised in, out of his mind so he decided to dedicate the rest of his life to making a differrence. He has seen children graduate highschool and get jobs, and he has seen some lost to gangs and a life of poverty. The lack of resources, support from partners and volunteers, has brough big obstacles, but his daughter and him keep persevering trusting God has something big.

As you can imagine, they feel that Netcast is an answer to their prayers. Our heart is to partner with them long term, sending groups and support, and see hundreds of children get   an adequate nutrition, a safe place to spend the day, education, achieve dreams that seem completely impossible, and above all, know Jesus.

Join us as we take our first trip overseas! We will be updating this blog with fundraising events, updates, pictures and posts while on the field (hopefully- if not, we will keep a journal and will update you after).

If you would like to donate to a specific team member, of the team in general, please visit and select “click here to give a one time gift with a credit or debit card” . Then select “special designation” and a list will drop down. You can choose who to support from the drop down list. Thank you so much for joining us in this trip with your finances and prayers!

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